Fees Management

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Fees Management


Fees  Management


Starting from defining various fee heads, fee collection to arriving at fee head-wise and student-wise fee dues can be carried out in Fees Management.


The following modules are available in Academics Management.




Fees Collection

To enter students fee collection details.

Fee Receipts

To list the student fee receipts.

Other fees

To list other fees.


To add and list fee concessions provided to the students.

Class wise Fee Dues

To generate student fee due report of a class.

Fee Head wise Dues

To generate fee head wise student fee due report.

Student wise Fee Dues

To generate student fee due report for a particular student.

Route wise Fee Dues

To generate student fee due report for a particular route.

Hostel wise Fee Dues

To generate student fee due report for a particular hostel.

Fee Balance Report

To generate class wise student fee due report for the entire institution.

Student Opening Balance

To enter opening balance of a particular student.

Define Fees Heads

To define different fees Heads.

Define Academic Fee

To create different fee heads.



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