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List of initial setups required before entering transaction data
Note: We have entered some default data to make you more comfortable to use VirtueSkool instantly. But anytime you can edit or delete those data as per your requirement.
System Settings
Institution Settings: Check your Institution Info and update the General, Academic Year, Financial Year Settings.
Annual Calendar: Update the Annual Events and Holidays
Document Digi Locker: Documents required for Employee Master and Student Master has to be configured here.
Academics Management
Classes / Course: Define Classes / Courses
Sections: Define Sections (Note: Update Class Teacher after adding teachers in Human Resource Management)
Subjects: Define Subjects and number of periods per week for a particular subject
Student Information
Reservation Category: Define Students Reservation Category
Note: Now you can enter a student detail in Student Master
Fee Management
Define Fee Heads: Define different Fee Heads
Define Academic Fees: Define the Academic Fee for a particular Fee Head
Front Office Management
Define Visitor purpose: Define the different Visitor purposes
Define Complaint types: Define the different Complaint Types
Define Sources: Define the various admission enquiry Sources
Define References: Define the various admission References
Time Table Management
Define Week Days: Define No. of periods in a day
Define Class Timings: Define period wise class timings
Examinations Handling System
Define Exams: Define different exam names
Define Grades: Define the different mark grades
Exam Schedule: Define the different exam schedules (while conducting examination)
Human Resource Management
Departments: Define different departments of the Institution
Designations: Define different employee designations
Leave Types: Define different Leave Types for employees
Pay Scale: Define Pay Scale for employees
Shifts: Define different shifts if any
Employee Type: Define different departments of the Institution
Earnings / Deductions: Define different Earnings / Deduction of employees
Note: Now you can enter an employee detail in Employee Master
Accounting System
Account Name: Define different Account Names under a account group
Inventory Control System
Stores: Define the different Store in the Institution
Item categories: Define the inventory Item Categories
Items: Define the different Items in a store under a category
Suppliers: Add Suppliers
Library Management
Add Racks: Define Rack details in the library
Add Books: Add books for library
Add members: Add members for the library (it is possible after adding a student in Student Master or an employee in Employee master)
Transport Management
Define Vehicle: Define Vehicle information
Define Routes & Stops: Define Route and its Stops
Define Route Trips: Define different trip timings
Hostel Management
Hostels: Define different Hostel in the Institution
Room Types: Define Room Types for a Hostel
Rooms: Define Room details in a Hostel
Dining Information: Define Dining details in a Hostel