Attendance Management

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Attendance Management


Attendance Management


Attendance management includes a variety of modules that cater to the requirements of managing both student and employee attendance.


The following modules are available in Attendance Management.




Student Attendance

To mark the student’s daily attendance.

Daily Attendance Report

To generate daily attendance report for all classes.

Approve Leave for Students

To approve / reject the student’s online leave application.

Students Attendance Report

To generate student attendance report.

Define Student Attendance Type

To define the student attendance type.

Define Student Holidays

To define holidays for the students.

Employee Attendance

To mark the employee’s daily attendance.

Approve Leave for Employees

To approve / reject the employee’s leave application.

Employee Attendance Report

To generate employee attendance report.

Define Employee Attend. Type

To define the employee attendance type.

Define Employee Holidays

To define holidays for the employees.

Define Staff Attend. Category

To define the staff attendance category.



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