Define Trip Timings

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Define Trip Timings


Define Trip Timings


Here you can define the trips, trip timings, pick up & drop time at the route stops and view the trip wise student commuter list.


Note: Student commuter list could be entered in the student information module or in transport allocation.


How to Define Trip Timings?


Step 1: Click "Add New" Button.

Step 2: Enter "Trip Name"

Step 3: Choose "Vehicle Route" from the dropdown menu.

Step 4: Check "Is Active" box.

Step 5: Click “Add” button at bottom.


Step 6: Switch to "Trip Timings" page.

Step 7: Click “Add Transport Route Trip Timing” button.

Step 8: Choose "Route Stop"

Step 9: Choose "pick up & drop time"

Step 10: Check "Is Active" box.

Step 11: Click "Create" for a single entry / "Create+" for multiple entries.

Step 12: Click “Update” button at bottom.


Step 13: Switch to "Trip Students" page to view the Trip Students List.

Step 14: Click “Back to List” to get back to the Define Trip Timings listing page.


Add trip



Trip 1



Trip Timing



Trip Student