Hostelers In-Out Register

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Hostelers In-Out Register


Hostelers In-Out Register


Here you can maintain the hostelers’ movement register for future reference. It maintains in-date & time, out-date & time, etc., and it will be displayed in parent’s login as well.


These records can be edited or deleted at any time.


How to add Hostelers In-Out Register?


Step 1: Click on “Add New” button.

Step 2: Choose "User Type"

Step 3: Choose "Hostel"

Step 4: Choose "Class, Section & Student"


Step 4: Choose "Employee Role & Employee"

Step 5: Choose "In Date & In Time"

Step 6: Choose "Out Date & Out Time"

Step 7: Enter "Reason"

Step 8: Click “Add” button at bottom.

Step 9: Click “Back to List” to get back to the Hostelers In-Out Register listing page.



Hostel in out 1




Hostel In Out 2