Visitors In-Out Register

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Visitors In-Out Register


Visitors In-Out Register


Here you can maintain a detailed visitors’ register for future reference. It maintain the date of visit, in-out time, visitor name, contact number, whom to meet, what is the relation between them, purpose of visit, etc., and it will be displayed in the parent’s login as well.


These records can be edited or deleted at any time


How to add Visitors In-Out Register?


Step 1: Click on “Add New” button.

Step 2: Choose "Date Visited"

Step 3: Choose "In Time & Out Time"

Step 4: Choose "Whom to Meet"

Step 5: Choose "Hostel"

Step 6: Choose "Class, Section & Student"


Step 6: Choose "Employee Role & Employee"

Step 7: Enter "Visitor Name, Relation & Visitor Purpose"

Step 8: Click “Add” button at bottom.

Step 9: Click “Back to List” to get back to the Visitors In-Out Register listing page.



Visitors In Out 1




Visitors In Out2