Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management


Human Resource Management


Human resource modules can execute all of the responsibilities of an HR department, including defining designations, departments, roles, leave types, pay scales, generating monthly payslips, and relieving or suspending employees.


The following modules are available in Human Resource Management.




Employee Master

To add / edit / delete employees’ information.

Generate Payroll

To generate monthly payroll as per the attendance marked.

Monthly Pay Slip

To pay the salary for employees as per the monthly payroll generated.

Define Pay Scales

To define the pay scales of the employees.

Define Designation

To define different department names.

Define Department

To define different designation names.

Define Earning and Deductions

To define earnings and deductions per employee.

Define Shifts

To define the work shifts of the employees.

Relieve Employee

To relieve the employee.

Suspend Employees

To list out the suspended employees.

Define Leave Type

To define the leave type, its limit and pay details.



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