Inventory Control System

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Inventory Control System


Inventory Control System


The Inventory Control System allows you to manage your purchases, issues, suppliers, stores, and stocks.


The following modules are available in Inventory Control System.




Purchase Order

To generate purchase order for the items required.


To enter purchase details.


To maintain a record of items issued to the students / staff.

Issue Return

To maintain a record of items returned by the students / staff.

Purchase Return

To maintain a record of purchase returns.

Stock Register

To get the stock transaction report for a particular period.

Stock Report

To get opening, total transaction and closing stock report for all items.

Stock Ledger

To get the stock transaction and closing stock for a particular item and period.

Purchase Ledger

To generate purchase ledger for a particular period and store

Supplier Master

To maintain a list of suppliers

Define Stores

To define the store details.

Define Item Categories

To define different Item (Stock) categories.

Define Items

To define different items in a category.

Define Unit of Measurement

To define the unit of measurement (SI units)

Define HSN Code

To define the HSN (Harmonized System of Nomenclature) code for the items defined



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