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Here you can enter the issue details such as uniform issue, books issue, student kit issue, employee kit issue, etc.


How to enter Issue details?


Step 1: Click on “Add New” button.

Step 2: Choose "Transaction Date"

Step 3: Enter "Manual Rect/Ref No"

Step 4: Choose "Store" from the dropdown menu.

Step 5: Choose "Issued To" from the dropdown menu.

Step 6: Choose "Class, Section, Student Name" / "Employee Role & Employee Name"

Step 7: Enter "Remarks"

Step 8: Click on “Add” button.


Step 9: Scroll down to "Issue details"

Step 10: Click on “Add New” button.

Step 11: Choose "Item" from the dropdown menu.

Step 12: Enter "Quantity & Unit"

Step 13: Click "Create" for a single entry / "Create+" for multiple entries.

Step 14: Click on the “Update” button.

Step 15: Click “Back to List” to get back to the Issue listing page.


Issue 1




issue p2



issue p3





issue p4